DSS to offer information sessions on becoming a foster or adoptive parent

Published 5:44 pm Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Will you make an impact on your community?
There are many people who might be interested in becoming a foster or adoptive parent if only they knew a little more about what that means.
Polk County Department of Social Services would like the opportunity to give people in the community a way to learn more about becoming foster or adoptive parents.  To do so, DSS is offering orientation/information sessions for people to gather the information they desire without making a commitment to the 10 weeks of training required to become licensed.
This opportunity is intended for anyone over the age of 21.
Single people, couples, church groups, friends intending to support one another, and anyone who has questions and a desire to have children in their lives are encouraged to attend.
There will be one session offered on the afternoon of Jan. 14 from 2-3:30 p.m. with a second opportunity offered during the evening of Jan. 16 from 6-7:30 p.m.
Both sessions will be held at the Polk County Department of Social Services in Mill Spring. Light snacks will be served.
Choose one session to attend and RSVP by Jan. 13 by contacting Jennifer Pittman at 828-894-2100 or jpittman@polknc.org.

– article submitted
by Jennifer Pittman

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