Nov. 7 Foothills Duplicate Bridge

Published 7:53 pm Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Morning Restricted Pairs
Section A
First – Chris Ter Kuile – Charlotte Lindsey
Second – Pat Rogers – Bill Baker
Third – George Cashau – Mariana Tarpley
Fourth – Sandra Parker – Teenie Elliott
First – Millie Stein – Richard Hopkins
Second – Chip Boyle – Andrea Kahn
Third – Robert Palmer – David Hart
Fourth – Carolyn Jones – Carole Stuenkel
Section B North-South
First – Linda Hall – Karen Doddridge
Second – Esther Taylor – Helen Trevathan
Third – Richard Belthoff – Rolland Rasmussen
Fourth/Fifth – Kris Diggs – Mary Ostheim
Fourth/Fifth – John Hanskat – Patsy Hanskat
First – Sandra Tillman – Sally Dix
Second – Elaine Jenkins – Bruce Fritz
Third – Janice Dunn – Sandra McConnell
Fourth – Jean Stratford – Charlie Stratford

Afternoon Open Pairs
First – Charles Cannon – Jack Williams
Second – Jackie Caldwell – Donald Eifert
Third – Richard Long – John Memory
Fourth – Sally Jo Carter – Deane Smith
First – Linda Sherer – Mel Rogers
Second – H Ingram Willis Jr – Andrea Kahn
Third – Doug Southard – Don Tucker
Fourth – Jim Jackson – Daniel Dworkin
-article submitted by
Marily Williams

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