Polk County Board of Commissioners’ Oct. 7 agenda
Published 9:27 pm Thursday, October 3, 2013
Editor’s note: Items two through nine include the call to order, invocation, pledge of allegiance, approval of minutes and approval of agenda. The Bulletin will print the board of commissioners’ agendas at the editorial staff’s discretion prior to each meeting.
An ordinance amending the composition and term of members of the Polk County Planning Board – For consideration following the public hearing. Motion to approve.
Proclamation recognizing the Veterans Day Parade of 2013 sponsored by the Patriots Salute to Veterans Association – Colonel Otis W. Livingston Jr., USA-Ret., will present the proclamation. Citizen comments.
August and September refund requests – Melissa Bowlin, tax administrator, will present the request. Motion to approve.
Budget amendment – Sandra Hughes will present BA No. 2 – Sheriff, $3,541 – To increase revenues and expenditures for grant funds from the Department of Treasury, Law Enforcement Agency for Joint Operations. Motion to approve.
An ordinance extending certain permits and approvals affecting the physical development of real property located within Polk County – The board will need to set a public hearing date regarding this ordinance. Cathy Ruth will present the information. Citizen comments. Motion to approve.
An amendment to clarify and modernize the zoning ordinance regarding the Zoning Board of Adjustment – The board will need to set a public hearing date regarding this amendment. County Attorney Berg will present the information. Citizen comments. Motion to approve.
Waterline Extension Policy – County Attorney Berg will discuss recommended changes. Citizen comments.
Resolution commending the NCDOT for resurfacing Hwy. 9 From Hwy. 74 to Mill Spring – Vice-Chair Owens asked that this resolution be placed on the agenda. Citizen comments. Motion to approve.
North Carolina Association of County Commissioners’ (NCACC) video – This brief video contains an update on NCACC steering committees as well as an overview of an upcoming seminar on the Affordable Care Act. Citizen comments.
North Carolina Department of Cultural Resources (NCDCR) amendments to records retention schedules – For approval of recent NCDCR amendments. Motion to approve.
Manager’s Report – 1) Hwy. 9 waterline update. 2) Turner Shoals Dam inspection update. 3) Western Highlands Fiscal Monitoring Report for the 2013 fiscal year fourth Quarter. Citizen comments.
Volunteer boards for vote – Animal Cruelty Investigators – eight applications, BOC determines total membership; Columbus Fire District Tax Commission – two applications, two regular vacancies; Tryon Fire District Tax – two applications, two regular vacancies.
Volunteer boards for review – Adult Care Home Advisory Committee – one application, three regular vacancies; Home & Community Care Block Grant – one application, two regular vacancies; JCPC – one application, one regular vacancy; Mental Health Advisory Board – one application, one regular vacancy.