Legion spaghetti dinner to support Service Animal Project

Published 6:00 pm Wednesday, August 28, 2013

The American Legion Auxiliary Unit 250 is having its annual spaghetti supper on Saturday, Aug. 31 to raise money for the Service Animal Project.

This local organization is working with the K9s for Warriors in Florida, which pairs service dogs with veterans in need.

These are soldiers who suffer from PTSD or shell shock as it was called after World War I.

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These dogs are carefully screened and trained to fit their owner’s needs and emotions. To date, five dogs have been accepted from the Foothills Humane Society here to go to Florida; they love our dogs.

The first level of training is right here in Polk County using foster homes.

The Legion Post and its auxiliary fully support this program and feel it is a worthy project. It is fully funded by private donations, as they get no government funds.

This year the entire proceeds from the spaghetti supper will be donated to this project.

The dinner will begin at 5 p.m. in the legion hall at 43 Depot St. in Tryon. Dine in or take out will be available.

Please help us support this group of veterans who have given so much for our country.

– article submitted by Jane Janke