Summer reading program coming to an end
Published 9:19 am Monday, August 5, 2013
Big Bang Boom rocked out at the Polk County Public Library on July 30 and the Saluda Community Library on July 31. Kids and their parents enjoyed singing and dancing throughout the show, especially during the children vs. adults hokey pokey competition.
The 2013 Summer Reading Program is coming to end. The wrap-up party is on Tuesday, Aug. 6 at 11:30 a.m. Meet at Harmon Field for a free picnic lunch and fun on the playground! Registration is required, so call 828-894-8721 or come by the library to sign up.
It’s also time for the kids who registered for the Summer Reading Program to turn in their reading logs. Come to the library by Aug. 23 for a prize and certificate. Everyone who turns in a reading log will also be entered to win the grand prize: a gift certificate to The Book Shelf in Tryon. The grand prize drawing will be Aug. 26.
– article submitted by Jennifer pace