Local artist, Feagan, visits Tryon Elementary School

Published 11:56 pm Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Alice Feagan visited Tryon Elementary School this week to share with the fourth and fifth graders her new book, Uncovering Earth’s Secrets. This is a children’s picture eBook about the JOIDES Resolution.

The JOIDES Resolution is a seagoing research vessel that drills core samples and collects measurement from under the ocean floor.

Alice Feagan with students.

Alice Feagan with students.

The book is for elementary age kids, and it shows how the JOIDES Resolution has allowed scientists to learn a great deal about volcanoes, earthquakes, extinction for dinosaurs and much more about our amazing earth.

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The book was written by Kevin Kurtz and Alice Feagan illustrated it.
Feagan shared with the students her experiences in the JOIDES Resolution and the students had a chance to ask her questions about her illustrations and the things that she had learned during the weeks she stayed on the ship.

The students were very excited to have someone from their own school sharing her art and experience with them.
Feagan attended Tryon Elementary School, and this was her second visit to Tryon Elementary School.

Feagan is a freelance illustrator who works traditionally and digitally in the unique medium of cut paper. She has illustrated several books including the book titled Summer of the Rabbits.
Alice Feagan now lives in California.

– article submitted by Pilar Pace