State officials on notice

Published 9:39 am Friday, May 10, 2013

Did you know that state legislators and a handful of government agents want to take public notice advertisements out of newspapers and publish them on government websites?  Why would they do that you might ask?  To save money is their reason (although any actual savings is debatable) the real question we should all be asking is what would that mean to us?

If a big box store decides to build in Polk County, purchases large tracts of land and applies for rezoning, do you feel comfortable that the notice will only on a government website?  Are you comfortable with your only heads up being by either checking out the government website or by signing up for an email alert?

Have you visited a government website lately?  If you are among the few who did was it easy to maneuver through and find the information you were looking for, was it current and up to date?  Chances are the answer is a resounding no.   Who will police these government websites and be held accountable when there are errors or omissions?

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Bigger question, how much do you trust your government to be forthcoming?

Just last month NC state senator Tommy Tucker was so angry at being questioned by a North Carolina publisher about a committee vote that sent a public notice bill to the Senate floor, he told the publisher,  “I am the senator.  You are the citizen.  You need to be quiet.”