Pastors hold discussion of Making Peace with the Land

Published 6:09 pm Wednesday, March 20, 2013

“Agriculturalist Fred Bahnson and theologian Norman Wirzba declare that in Christ, God reconciles all bodies into a peaceful, life-promoting relationship with one another. Because human beings are incarnated in material, bodily existence, we are necessarily interdependent with plants and animals, land and sea, heaven and earth. The good news is that redemption is cosmic, with implications for agriculture and ecology, from farm to dinner table.”

Pastors Rob Parsons of Columbus and Saluda UMC and Lance Smith of the Tryon Congregational Church, as well as a host of farmers, educators and plain folk interested in abundant living, will gather for a “brown bag” discussion of the book, “Making Peace With the Land” by Fred Bahnson and Norman Wirzba.

The group will meet at noon in the board/classroom of the Mill Springs Agricultural Development Center, each Thursday afternoon April 4 – May 2. The cost will cover the cost of your book as well as drinks to go with lunch. Bring your lunch and join the group for this discussion of life. For more information contact Lance Smith at 859-9414.

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– article submitted by Lance Smith