Good Friday community worship service
Published 6:09 pm Wednesday, March 20, 2013
The Thermal Belt Ministerial Association invites the community to the annual Good Friday worship service on Friday, March 29 at noon at the Tryon Presbyterian Church, located on Harmon Field Road, Tryon.
Ministers participating will be from the Congregational Church, the Holy Cross Episcopal Church, the First Baptist Church of Tryon, the United Methodist Church of Tryon, the United Methodist Churches of Columbus and Saluda, and the Tryon Presbyterian Church.
A Tenebrae service will commemorate the Lord’s crucifixion with readings from the passion account of scriptures and extinguishing of candles.
The Tryon Presbyterian Church Sanctuary Choir with participate in the worship service and invites any choir member from other churches who would like to join them for this service.
They will meet an hour before worship in the church’s choir room to rehease. All are wecome to attend to this Good Friday service.
– article submitted by Mary A Potter