Unitarian Universalist Fellowship meets March 10 at Youth Center

Published 5:33 pm Monday, March 4, 2013

The Unitarian Universalist Fellowship will meet at the Tryon Youth Center on Rt. 176N on Sunday, March 10 at 10:30 a.m.

The group’s speaker will be consulting minister, the Reverend Jean Rowe, who will speak on the topic, “Life in the Balance.”

Life In the Balance – Rev. Jean M. Rowe

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The Spring Equinox is coming this month, when day and night are equally balanced for a few days, until we tilt toward the sun and the days lengthen again. Winter turns to spring.  It seems like a good time to think about living in balance, especially in the realm of meaning and values.

There are those who think they know the Truth, the right way, the only way.  They insist that any other way is wrong, even heretical. By the way, the word “heretic” comes from the ancient Greek for “able to choose.” That’s a pretty good label for a freethinker.

As one matures in matters of faith, however, one comes to see that much in the realm of meaning and value is not fixed, but paradoxical. Good values clash.  Different meanings have ultimate worth. The mature seeker begins to understand this.  Faith is good but so is reason. Belief is good but so is doubt. Contemplation is good but so is action. Achievement is good but so is charity and emptying oneself.

Easter might be the ultimate paradox. It challenges us with death but also with renewed life.

A mature person must find his or her way through the thickets of extremes, confronting paradoxical claims to a place of balance. The Spring Equinox seems a good time to seek balance in our lives.”

The community is invited to come early to participate in setting up the service, fellowship and refreshments. For information, call 894-5776 or go to our website at uutryonnc.org.

– article submitted by Dan Dworkin