Po’ Kitties

Published 9:13 am Wednesday, February 13, 2013

One biologist was asked about litter size in coyotes, and he confirmed that the number of pups in a litter increases as the availability of food increases. What he didn’t say was that when coyotes are killed, it can cause their population to actually grow, due to this phenomenon. The remaining coyotes benefit from better living opportunities, and their numbers increase. Scientists in Nevada found that litters increased from an average of 1 to 3.5 pups in these conditions (reported by The Sacramento Bee, 4-30-2012). While coyotes’ numbers can increase as they’re killed, this isn’t true for all species. Many greatly reduce in number, and can even be driven to extinction. Don’t forget, protected and endangered species are also caught in traps. Actually, trappers can be prosecuted for killing federally protected animals, and they have no way to prevent their capture. Traps kill indiscriminately.

And anyone who thinks our pets won’t be killed by traps is living in a fantasy world. It’s not a matter of if, but when and how many. Google it for yourself and watch grown men cry — hardened hunters and trappers — as they recall their dogs’ suffering and death.

Will the commissioners take action to remedy their hasty and ill-informed decision to set us in the opposite direction of the rest of the world? If trapping becomes legal here, those of us dedicated to keeping it out of Polk County will work just as hard to change the law again and make it illegal again. We’ll get lots of help from others who’ve done the same in other counties, other states, and other countries. We won’t go away. Trust me, we’re like a dog with a bone. Pun intended.

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– Susan McNabb, Tryon