Group hopes to expand Foothills Quilt Trail into Polk
Published 6:54 pm Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Ellen Henderson speaking with Chris Young, the production manager of the Walhalla studio. Young is holding a sample of the quilt square that will be made for the Hospice Thrift Barn. (photo by Laura Brookshire)
Henderson said she’s excited to know the town is just a week or so away from having Brannon Poore of J.B. Trees hang two new blocks in town.
A 6×6 block called “Rays of Hope” will go up on Hospice Thrift Barn, funded by the Mary F. Kessler Fund, while the Landrum City Council has funded the “Carolina Lily” 3×3 block to go up at Brookwood Park.
“By the middle of summer I hope we will have about 15 blocks up,” Henderson said. “We decided not to play it up too much until we get the blocks up and it is a real trail, but it is coming along nicely.”
Dunn said knowing more about the production of the quilts enhanced her excitement about being involved.
“While we were there they were working on three squares for Landrum. It was so neat to know those particular ones were coming here,” Dunn said. “I wanted to be able to talk to people about this and to encourage them to not only participate in the project but to come and see the quilts.”
Henderson said the possibilities of ways the area could benefit from the project are tremendous. Other trails sell T-shirts, postcards and other memorabilia associated with quilt blocks along their paths. As the Foothills Quilt Trail grows, Stephen Bishop said one of the goals is to consider starting a studio in this area, like the one in Walhalla, specifically used for making barn quilts.
Until these ideas can come to fruition the Landrum Quilters will continue with their efforts.
To learn more about the Foothills Quilt Trail you can visit
The group is also gearing up for National Quilting Day on March 16. An event will be held at the Landrum Library from 9:30 a.m. – 1:30 p.m.
The Landrum Quilters group meets on the second Thursday of each month at 9:30 a.m. at the Gowensville Community Center. For more information, visit
– Stephen Bishop contributed to this article