Saluda Dog Society hosts second annual dog show

Published 9:47 am Friday, November 30, 2012

The Saluda Dog Society is happy to announce the second annual dog show to be held on Dec. 15 at the tennis courts at Saluda Elementary School.
Registration will start at 1 p.m., blessing of the dogs at 1:45 p.m., and the show at 2 p.m. After the show, all dogs and handlers are invited to march in the Christmas parade. The following classes will be included:
• Most interesting tail
• Best tail wager
• Longest tail
• Best costume
• Best trick
• Biggest
• Smallest
• So ugly it’s cute
• Most like owner
• Floppiest ears
• Best kisser
• Best all around (only first place winners are allowed in best all around)
All entry fees support the Saluda dog park. For more information, call Livvy French at 828-749-3017.

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