McDermott’s credentials speak for themselves

Published 9:51 am Friday, October 19, 2012

To the editor:
It probably goes without saying that one of the best things for Polk County is to have capable and experienced commissioners serving on our board.
In this regard, we can count ourselves extremely fortunate to have Renée McDermott whose professional and volunteer background is a sure fit for our needs. As a public school teacher, she was a member of the Teacher Corps/Peace Corps volunteering in Tampa’s inner city. She received an award for her teaching excellence when she taught at the middle and high school levels.
As an attorney, she graduated magna cum laude from law school and then specialized in environmental law. She was president of the Indiana Bar Foundation in addition to serving as a county attorney and as a mediator.
Because of her demonstrated dedication to public service here in Polk County in such organizations as Outreach Ministry, the Polk County Community Foundation Board and Pacolet Area Conservancy – to name a few – she has received the North Carolina Outstanding Volunteer Award.
Obviously, all of these experiences make her extremely valuable to Polk County. The skills she brings to our board of commissioners could earn high consulting fees, but we can have them all by simply casting our ballot for Renée McDermott’s reelection.
– Chuck Trevathan, Columbus

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