Fun and learning night, Oct. 17

Published 8:25 pm Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Judith Scruggs and Glenn Rodgers of the Hendersonville League of Women Voters, join us with information about immigration and what it actually means to our country.

The League of Women Voters adopted the study of Immigration in 2006 at its national convention. The national committee did its research in 2006-07, local Leagues across the country did their study in 2007-08 and reached a consensus in April 2008.

Since that time the Henderson County League members have made numerous presentations to church, civic and public groups, including the Latino population and the League’s national and state conventions. Recently, the League has contacted local high schools to encourage them to consider this topic in their civics, US history, or social studies classes.

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The evening begins at 5:30 p.m. with an optional homemade veggie soup dinner, with bread and desert for a donation to the Hands of Change Youth Service Group. This will be followed at 6 p.m. by the free presentation on the heated topic of immigration.

Don’t miss this program held in the fellowship hall of the Congregational Church located at 210 Melrose Ave. in Tryon. For more information, call the Congregational Church Office 828-859-9414.

– article submitted by Lance Smith