Help save Polk County
Published 9:30 pm Tuesday, October 9, 2012
To the Editor:
At the Oct. 1, 2012 commissioners’ meeting, Ted Owens broke one of the commissioners’ own rules and added to the meeting agenda without any notice to the public or media, sending the Mountain and Ridgeline Protection Ordinance back to the planning board to rescind it – in other words, to kill it.
Tom Pack quickly seconded the motion, therefore leaving Polk County’s beautiful mountains without any protection at all from another Chocolate Drop-like development.
Renée McDermott pleaded with them to follow the commissioners’ rules and wait just one more meeting so that the public could be notified about it. Owens and Pack refused.
This shows a disregard for true democracy and liberty. How can we have a truly democratic government in Polk County if all the people are not given the right to information that will affect them?
Please don’t reward this type of bullying or the ugly liberty ads. Vote for Renée McDermott for good, open, clean Polk County government.
– Flo Sommerich, Tryon