Commissioners speak following UDO public hearing
Published 7:02 pm Thursday, September 20, 2012
Polk County commissioners offered some of their thoughts regarding a proposed unified development ordinance (UDO) following a public hearing on Sept. 17 that drew about 300 residents.
At the hearing, 64 speakers made comments about the UDO, 52 of them opposing the UDO and 12 either speaking in favor or making neutral comments.
Commissioner Cindy Walker said she moved here from Raleigh, N.C. in 2004 into her mother’s childhood home.
“I thought I’d died and gone to heaven,” she said.
Walker discussed Chocolate Drop and said she filmed it from every angle and just couldn’t believe it and it made her worry about what was going to happen to this county. She signed up to run for commissioner and one of the things she said she wanted was not to have another development like that come into Polk County again.
Walker also said she was really excited about the 20/20 vision committee and thanked residents for their input.
Commissioner Ted Owens quoted Abraham Lincoln, saying we are a government of the people by the people.
“I think the people tonight have spoken,” said Owens. “I think we need to listen to them.”
Owens also said the county should take care of the existing mountainside and ridgeline protection ordinance (MRPO) as well, which currently restricts development at elevations above 1,650 feet.