Slow Food Foothills to meet Aug. 26 in Saluda

Published 10:13 am Friday, August 10, 2012

A previous Slow Food Foothills event at Pine Crest Inn in Tryon. (photo submitted)

On Sunday, Aug. 26, from 4:30-6:30 p.m., the next Slow Food Foothills (SFF) gathering will occur at the McCreery Park Pavillon in downtown Saluda. Those attending this potluck should bring a healthy “local” dish, their own place setting and refreshments. This space has no running water, so bring a bag to take home soiled plates, utensils and recyclables.
This will be the first potluck following a board retreat schedule for Aug. 21, where the new SFF website will be initiated and new names will be connected to committee work.
The last SFF potluck took place at the 1906 Pine Crest Inn, which hosted a French-themed meal to celebrate Bastille Day. Six food categories were included. The winners of each category received a small prize. This SFF gathering had a record attendance of 71 people.
On Sept. 22, the next SFF potluck will take place at the Mill Spring Ag Center in conjunction with the Agri-Tour of local farms ( On Oct. 28, the potluck will take place on the Leap Farm in Mill Spring. Details of each of these events will be announced later.
One of the committees of this chapter is Slow Food in Schools. To help this committee and to give back to the community, SFF will help support the PCHS Marching Cadets Summer Band Camp by providing locally raised fruits and vegetables for their week-long menu. This menu is being prepared by SFF co-treasurer and former band mother, Della Pullara.
Slow Food Foothills is looking for a new board member to serve as volunteer coordinator. The board said they have learned the volunteer effort deserves its own board seat and individual.
This person will recruit volunteers from the members list who would be interested in helping with existing committees, which include, Slow Food in Schools, Gleaners for Good and Community Outreach.
Volunteers will also be needed to help with events, workshops and setting up booths at various community and regional festivals, harvests, tours and social events. In the future, a questionnaire will be sent to members to identify the areas in which they may be interested in volunteering.
If you would like to be considered for the board position of volunteer coordinator for Slow Food Foothills, a one-year term from time of installation, apply by submitting your name, contact info and a few statements about your slow food commitment and experience to:
For questions, contact Carol Lynn Jackson at 828-817-2308.
– article submitted by Jo Rytter

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