Polk County High School underclassman awards
Published 10:41 am Friday, July 13, 2012

Serving as Junior Marshalls this year were: front row: Cassie Couch, Alessandra Akers and Brenna Wilson; second row: Anna Costine, Bronwyn Pellatt, Makenzie White and Isys Hennigar; back row: Will Arrowood, Ben Stockdale, Caleb Parsons, Mason Umlauf and Bruce Butler. (photo submitted)

Students achieving perfect attendance were: front row, Victoria Swain and Daniel Ravan; back row, Bethany Hyder, Maribel Flores, Conner O’Hearn and Joshua Suddeth. Not pictured Jacqueline Doolittle. (photo submitted)
Polk County High School presented underclassman awards before the end of the school year. The following students were honored:
Harvard Book Award – Caleb Parsons
Salem Book Award – Brenna Wilson
United States Senate Youth Program Representative – Ben Stockdale
Governor’s School of North Carolina Attendees – Alessandra Akers, Taylor Carter and Caleb Parsons
Tarheel Girl’s State – Makenzie White
Institute for Future Agricultural Leaders (IFAL) – Summer Program- Shalyn Brown and Carlos Chavez
Hugh O’Brian Youth Ambassador (HOBY) – Caley Modlin
Clemson Summer Scholar Program Attendee – Alicia Brewington
Perfect Attendance – Jacqueline Doolittle, Maribel Flores, Bethany Hyder, Conner O’Hearn, Daniel Ravan, Kimberly Russell, Joshua Suddeth and Victoria Swain
Junior Marshals – Alessandra Akers, Will Arrowood, Bruce Butler, Anna Costine, Cassandra Couch, Isys Hennigar, Bronwyn Pellatt, Caleb Parsons, Ben Stockdale, Mason Umlauf, Makenzie White and Brenna Wilson
– article submitted by Meghan Horne