Back to work, it begins again

Published 2:36 pm Friday, July 6, 2012

Harley (photo submitted)

My Alaskan trip was everything I ever dreamed of and though I was ordered not to work, I couldn’t keep the kids I left behind out of my head.
I arrived home on Wednesday evening and the first thing Thursday I went to check on all of them.  Some of these tales I may tell in their entirety at a later date, but for now I’ll just relate a quick update.
On Thursday Buck went home with Duggan, I didn’t get a chance to see them but I will visit first chance I get.
My main concern was Lazarus, a sweet Beagle who was fighting for life. I won’t go into his problems at this time but Tommy Maiolo told me that his only chance for life was to be sent to Upstate Veterinary Specialists, which I approved.  I named him Lazarus because my goal was to give him back his life if I could.  He is now home with the person who  brought him in and doing well.  His total bill was $2,832 and I consider it money well spent.
Cute little Ashley, a poodle mix, got her foreleg caught in a fence and suffered a severe break. After everything was tried, it was deemed the best thing for her would be to remove the leg. Ashley is now home and adjusting beautifully, her total bill was $508.

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