Save Morris
Published 10:52 am Friday, June 29, 2012
My mouse friend Tippy says she heard people talking outside of Cowan’s Hardware Store about how back in the day (the 1920s to be exact), Eleanor Vance and Charlotte Yale moved to my beloved Tryon and started the Tryon Toy Makers and Woodcarvers Organization. Boy, Ms. Eleanor sure could carve some wood and Ms. Charlotte loved to teach everyone how to craft the most wonderful things. Did you know I was one of the most popular toys they made? I was so popular that in 1928 the first large version of me was built. Boy, did I stand tall, 22 hands to be exact. Wow, those were the days. I cannot wait until my ransom is paid and I can get back to what I love doing most … proudly standing, watching over all the people that come and go through my beautiful town. Please do not forget to go by Sterling Women’s Golf Shoppe and purchase one of my Ransom Project Posters. All proceeds go to the Town of Tryon so they can bring me home … the sooner the better. Your loyal friend, Morris