Landrum High School 2011 salutatorian gives speech

Published 6:46 pm Thursday, June 14, 2012

Editor’s note: Landrum High School 2012 salutatorian Rosaruth Farrah Parton gave the following speech at the school’s graduation ceremony held Thursday, May 24.
In life people sometimes fail to grasp the concept of just how limited our time is in life. It seems like just yesterday that we were walking down the halls of our elementary school and had literally no idea what we wanted to do with the rest of our lives. Later we moved on to middle school and we still didn’t know what we were fully capable of. Then, came that big change of moving up to the high school.
In just four short years, we as a class were able to accomplish so many great things. From academic achievements to sports championships, we accomplished it all. We had some good times and bad but we were always there to help each other get through anything. Just like our theme for our yearbook, “In a flash,” high school is over. But I stand here before you to tell you that we did it.  We are finally going to graduate. All of the tests, projects, presentations and papers, it all paid off.  We are finally going to reach this great milestone in our life. We need to cherish this moment because this might be the last time that all of us are here together.
As you begin the next chapter of your life, whether it’s college, the military or going to work, strive to do your best just like we have for the past four years. Live life to the fullest and seize every opportunity that may arise.
Like Edward Bulwer Lytton once said, “To find what you seek in the road of life, the best proverb of all is that which says: ‘Leave no stone unturned.’” You have dreams and goals that you have set for yourself and never let anyone or anything get in the way of you achieving those goals. Live your own life; never try to be someone else, or something that you are not. Be original, be yourself. Life is going to be hard but if you take the knowledge that you have learned in school and put it to good use you will prosper and be successful in whatever you do. Life will seem to fly by so make it a goal to make the most out of every opportunity and situation that you may find yourself in.
If not for some very important people it is possible that we might not be here today. I would like to thank Mr. Sherman, all the staff and teachers, all of our coaches and our friends. If not for the support and care from these people it would have been very difficult for us to achieve this great milestone in our life. Lastly, I would like to thank the most important people of all: our parents. You were the ones that were there for us to help us through anything. When we were sick or were going through some hard times, when we felt like school just wasn’t going good at all, our parents were there for us. I would like to say thank you to all the parents for that because you are the main reason that we are here today and achieve this great accomplishment.
I would like to leave you with this quote from Steve Jobs:
“Your time is limited, so don’t waste it living someone else’s life. Don’t be trapped by dogma – which is living with the results of other people’s thinking. Don’t let the noise of other’s opinions drown out your own inner voice. And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.”
Thank you for your attention, and congratulations to the class of 2012.

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