Goodbye Family Dollar – Tryon

Published 7:08 pm Tuesday, May 15, 2012

To the editor:
Some folk are friendly and kind,
You know just the ones that I have in mind,
But then there are those that are rare to find:
The ones that go out of their way,
To make you feel welcomed,
And wish you the “Best” kind of day.
The ones that always have that sunny smile,
And find what you need :  going that extra mile,
Or checking to see if they have it “ on file”.
The ones who genuinely show that they care,
Who give more than their share,
And always have Hugs to spare.
I know such a person,
And who do think I suppose?
Well, It’s our Family Dollar Manager:
Our one and only – Rose (Ellison).
Wishing only the Best,
From ALL of us here in Tryon, N.C.
You will stay in our hearts.
– Annelie Baer, Tryon

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