A letter to mothers

Published 12:34 am Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Dear Mom,
I think of you every day and remember all your funny, quirky and amazing insightful ways. Your infectious smile, the sound of your laughter, the loving look in your blue eyes, the beautiful tone of your voice.
So many things you taught me come into play almost daily. I could not have asked for a better loving parent to help guide me through my childhood, teens, and into my present middle age.
I am truly blessed to have been born to you, so compassionate, protective and loving a mother, I wish every child could have. I know I was a lucky kid and have not forgotten that.
It has b een two years since I lost you to breast cancer and it just seems like yesterday that we were on a mother-daughter day trip, something we both loved to do.
I miss you every day, wish fate had been different and you were still here with me, but I continue to live a life you would be proud of.
I volunteer in my community, give my love and time to my friends, show kindness to strangers, try to help those in need, have a strong work ethic and radiate a love of life that warms and surrounds me.
Mother’s Day approaches and to all of you out there who still have your moms here on earth, don’t hesitate, tell her you love her, hold her tight, make up if you fought, forgive past differences. It is all about the love, people!
Love in all forms has the power to heal us and conquer all.
Love to you all.
– Candy Butler, Columbus

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