A story of courage and love
Published 10:19 am Friday, April 27, 2012

Emorie Whitman with her physical therapists at UNC Chapel Hill, after surgery. (photo submitted by Julie Collins)
This is a story of courage, strength and love; of connection and the kindness of many people toward one special little girl who has dealt with cancer.
Most folks in the Saluda area as well as surrounding areas know Julie Foster Collins and her daughter Emorie Whitman, a special needs student in Spartanburg. With lifelong ties thanks to family and friends, Julie and family have lived in Saluda and Landrum and have close connections to the area: Julie is well-known for her hair-cutting expertise at Brenda’s Shear Magic salon on Trade Street in Tryon.
These days, she’s been at Emorie’s side more than at work, dealing with on-going doctor visits, chemo rounds and her daughter’s surgery. It’s not been an easy road, but those who know her know she’s made of tough material.
Julie’s son, Will, who attended Saluda School, is a young man with a family of his own now. When Emorie came along, Will stepped up to be the big brother from the minute she was born. Now 14, Emorie has already faced more than most kids her age will ever know. You can tell she’s got the same inner strength her own mom has, although she doesn’t quite understand the disease, the pain, or why it happened to her.