Opening reception for Page show at TPS April 7

Published 4:02 pm Monday, April 2, 2012

Gary Page, a Landrum resident, will be the featured artist at the next Tryon Painters and Sculptors (TPS) show.

“Comfortable Chair” by Gary Page. (photo submitted)

An opening reception for his paintings will be held in the main TPS gallery on Saturday, April 7 from 5 – 7 p.m. The show will close on Saturday, May 5.
Page’s realistic paintings dealing with a variety of subject matter have built a large following. He will also have a painting in the Tryon Daily Bulletin’s reception area for the entire month of April.
Local Tryon artists Diana Gurri and Bob Neely will also show their artwork in TPS’s smaller gallery.
TPS is located at 26 Maple St., Tryon. Call 828-859-0141 or visit for more information.
– article submitted by Pauline Ross

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