Volunteers make humane society work

Published 3:54 pm Friday, March 2, 2012

Foothills Humane Society Volunteer Brandon Reynolds gets in some quality time with the cats available for adoption at FHS. Shelter administrators said volunteers are always needed for a variety of jobs. (photo by Gwen Ring)

Whether it’s folding laundry, washing dishes, sprucing up landscaping or organizing a fundraiser – the Foothills Humane Society survives off the work of its more than 75 active weekly volunteers.
Volunteers like Barbara Manning, for example, who in her 90s still offers her time to help out where she can and when she is able.
“I picked volunteering at the humane society because I felt being around the animals would be cheerful work,” Manning said. “I think they do a darn good job out there and I get more out of it than I put in it any day.”
Manning began volunteering five years ago after adopting her own sweet feline companion the year before.
Sev Bennet, meanwhile, hesitated to volunteer because she worried she’d walk in and want to adopt every animal in sight.
“I am one of those people that walks into the shelter and says, ‘Oh, I’ll take everyone home,’” Bennet said. “My husband and I have always donated to animal shelters, whether it be money or whatever goods they needed …. But I walked in one day and I just happened to ask if they needed volunteers.”
Bennet wasn’t sure in the past if her schedule would allow her to be physically at the shelter on a regular basis. So, she offered herself to assist with special events and fundraisers. Next thing Bennet knew, a volunteer form was placed in front of her. Since then, she’s worked on adopt-a-thons and helped plan ideas for future fundraisers.
“It’s been a very good experience and it’s been very rewarding to see particularly in the community how folks turn out.”
Bennet said the community particularly impressed her aftershe  helped to put out a call for cat food.
“There was a huge pile of food donated. It was really nice to see donations turn out in droves. It’s also really nice at the adopt-a-thons when we see people come out who realize that the shelter has some really great animals,” she said.

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