Misunderstanding of statement

Published 4:34 pm Tuesday, January 17, 2012

To the Editor:

“Why are they messing with good customers” was not a statement made by me in my conversation with the Bulletin during my asking the Bulletin to investigate late mail!

Of course I expect most of my neighbors were having the same experience. In fact we just had to return two books to the Literary Guild because our respose was late and triggered them sending us their automatic mailing.

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Our response was mailed in late because we received their mailing two days before the required response date.

Our Belk and Costco sale ads arrived after the experation date of the sales.

Unlike your article inferred, I of course never stated it as if I was being singled out for bad service. I only stated that with all the problems the post office is having, late delivery certainly does not enhance their chance of success. Thanks for printing this! .

– Stanley Mazur, Mill Spring

Editor’s note: The Bulletin in no way intended to misrepresent Mr. Mazur’s words and apologizes that there was a mistunderstanding.