Pfingstag to present ‘Art of Advent: A Visual Journey’ at ICC-Polk Dec. 8

Published 7:44 pm Thursday, December 1, 2011

Isothermal Community College, Polk Center will host “Art of Advent: A Visual Journey” Thursday, Dec. 8 at 10:30 a.m., presented by Dr. Ben Pfingstag.
This color slide presentation of art heralds the birth and incarnations of Christ, with images of the annunciation and the visitation. The season of Christmas includes images of the nativity, the annunciation to the shepherds and presentation in the temple.
The third Season of Epiphany commemorating the coming of the Magi further gives emphasis to Christ’s life, his teaching miracles and healings, Pfingstag said. The images range from the baptism of Christ, the temptation, the Good Samaritan and the prodigal son to the transfiguration of Christ.
Dr. Pfingstag, presenter and commentator, teaches art history courses in continuing education at the Polk Center of Isothermal Community College.
This event is open to the public.
Call 828-894-3092 or visit  for more details.
– article submitted
by Kate Barkschat

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