Thankful to live in our area

Published 6:17 pm Tuesday, November 22, 2011

When you count your blessings around the dinner table this Thanksgiving don’t neglect to include living in such a unique community on your list of reasons to be thankful.
While the trees may be dropping the breathtaking hues from their limbs, the energy of our area is just kicking into gear. Yes, excitement always stirs around the holidays. But here, in the foothills, the energy is more of a synergy. A synergy of people and organizations reaching out to show goodwill to their fellow man.
This weekend the Polk County Sheriff’s Office revs up our holiday cheer with the annual Toy Run. You’ll see the courthouse steps blanketed with toys for needy children.
Don’t forget the variety of musical offerings with Tuba Christmas, Do-It-Yourself Messiah and the Community Chorus right around the corner.
Then there is the angel tree through the Thermal Belt Outreach Ministry and a host of many other organizations to give to this season. Have you picked an angel to buy for yet?
Be kind to your fellow neighbors and remember to relish all the wonderful things our local communities offer. Oh, and when you start your post-Thanksgiving shopping, remember to shop local!
— Editorial staff, Tryon Daily Bulletin

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