Helping, hoping, healing: October is domestic violence awareness month

Published 7:53 am Friday, October 14, 2011

Editor’s note: The following was submitted by Steps to HOPE in observance of October as Domestic Violence Awareness month.
Steps to HOPE volunteers often say helping others is a wonderful blessing to share with those in need, but the giver is also the beneficiary of multiple gifts. The poem below expresses this thought.

The More You Give
The more you give, the more you get.
The more you laugh, the less you fret.
The more you do unselfishly,
the more you live abundantly.
The more of everything you share,
the more you’ll always have to spare.
The more you love, the more you’ll find
that life is good and friends are kind.
For only what we give away,
enriches us from day to day.
– author unknown

The help Steps to HOPE gives others, in any capacity, from financial to volunteerism, benefits an individual or family in ways that many people may not fully grasp. For some, Steps to HOPE said, just knowing another person cares is significant.
During both difficult economic times and the best of times, help is needed by many.
Steps to HOPE provides safe shelter for victims of domestic violence and sexual assault and domestic violence intervention classes for both men and women and parenting classes.
For more information, call Steps to HOPE at 828-894-2340.
– article submitted
by Cherie Wright

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