Clueing you in for TLT’s ‘Clue: the Musical’
Published 10:22 am Friday, September 16, 2011
Mrs. White. Now there’s a belligerent face if ever I saw one! She’s Mrs. Boddy’s domestic help at the manor. She cleans him, feeds him, and heed’s him, and she’d be the first to tell you that if life is a bowl of cherries, hers is the pits! She used to be in education, but because of a debt she owes her boss, she’s virtually enslaved. Do you think she may be holding a grudge? Her life would certainly be better if something happened to Mr. Boddy…and the kitchen has lots of knives, not to mention those candlesticks she has to keep cleaning.
You will only know for sure if you come and see “Clue: the Musical,” Tryon Little Theater’s season opener at the TLT Workshop stage, 516 S. Trade St. in Tryon. Playing Sept. 22 – 25 and Sept. 29 – Oct.2, tickets are $20 for adults and $10 for 18 and under. Box office is open 10 a.m. – 1 p.m., Monday through Saturday. To reserve your tickets, call 828-859-2466, or visit for more information. (article and photo submitted by Monica Jones)