‘Tom Sawyer’ at TFAC July 28 – 31
Published 9:07 am Thursday, July 21, 2011
The second youth production of the summer, “The Adventures of Tom Sawyer,” will be performed July 28 – 31 at the Tryon Fine Arts Center, 34 Melrose Ave., Tryon. Directed by Marianne Carruth, the play was adapted by Timothy Mason from the novel by Mark Twain. This youth production features actors from 8 – 12 years of age, with special musical guests Phil and Gay Johnson. For more information, visit www.tltinfo.org. Above: Huck Finn (Kyle Gilmore, left) holds a sack with a cat inside while he talks with Tom Sawyer (Greyson Roser). Below: Injun Joe (Ryan Fox, left) threatens Tom Sawyer with a knife. (photos by Lorin Browning)