Red Cross sponsors resident in second wind
Published 10:22 am Friday, July 15, 2011
The American Red Cross, Polk County Chapter, recently recognized one of its board members by sponsoring John Dahlgren for membership in the Second Wind Hall of Fame. Board member Wayne Ackerman presented his certificate at a recent board of director’s meeting.
The certificate reads: “In recognition of a useful and productive life, continuing beyond retirement, while others paused to rest, this dedicated person caught a ‘second wind’ and began a new career of service to the community and to mankind. “May God give this servant strength to continue constructive efforts, radiant with courage, as an inspiration to all.”The criteria for consideration of a volunteer for induction into the second Wind Hall of Fame begins with being retired, being 60 years of age or older, having volunteered for at least three local organizations for three years, and being sponsored into membership by one of the organizations served.
Dahlgren has been an active member of the board of directors and as a member of the Red Cross Disaster Action Team for many years. He has received the Lifetime Achievement Award from the Polk County Republican Party. He currently serves as the party’s secretary. He has been active with Habitat for Humanity and maintains the Memorial Garden at his church.
Anyone who knows a volunteer who should be considered can start the application process by writing to P.O. Box 711, Tryon, N.C. 28782 or by calling 828-894-6159.
– article submitted by Wayne Ackerman