Old time square dance to be held Saturday in Saluda

Published 5:23 pm Tuesday, June 28, 2011

In celebration of the 130th Anniversary of Saluda, an old-time square dance will be held on Saturday, July 2 from 7 – 11 p.m. at The Saluda Mountain Jamboree.
The Jericho Hill Band will perform for the dance. All profits will go into the fund of the Saluda 130th Celebration Committee. At the end of the year, the committee will donate all the  profits from the activities and events to city hall.
The weekly square dances were a big part of the social events held in Saluda for many years, and organizers said they could be again if enough people are interested.
Also, an oral history DVD of Saluda will be shown at a free premier screening just prior to the dance, starting at 5 p.m. The Eljapa Media Group has collected stories, pictures, videos and interviews for several months for use in the production of the first of the oral history series.
Everyone is invited to come share Saluda memories and get ready to “swing your partner” at the dance.
For those who need to freshen up their square dance skills, free dance lessons will be available Friday, July 1 from 7 – 9 p.m. at the Saluda Mountain Jamboree. You won’t be graded on your dance abilities, organizers said, and the lessons can be a lot of fun, plus great exercise. All are invited to join in the dance, but if you just want to watch and enjoy the music, that is okay, too.
If you need more information you can visit the website: www.saludamountainjamboree.com. Or call 828-749-3676 and leave a message.

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