VFW holds Americanism program for Polk Central first graders

Published 11:47 am Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Pictured are VFW Post 10349 Mill Spring Quartermaster Johnny Taylor and Junior Vice Commander Bevin Corbin and two first-grade students from Polk Central Elementary School. (photo submitted)

On Friday, May 13, VFW Post 10349 Mill Spring and the ladies auxiliary gave a program on Americanism to Polk Central Elementary School first graders.

One student helped in the pledge of allegiance and two students helped Junior Vice Commander Bevin Corbin and Quartermaster Johnny Taylor fold the flag. While the flag was being folded, Auxiliary President Geraldine Taylor explained the meaning of each fold.

Beth Corbin, Junior Vice Commander Bevin Corbin and Quartermaster Johnny Taylor also gave a presentation on what the colors in the flag mean, “I Am the Flag,” how the Pledge of Allegiance came into being, the evolution of the flag and the proper way to dispose of a flag when it is torn or dirty.

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There was also a question and answer period. The students were each given a certificate and a parade flag. A coloring contest was also held and the winning student was given a $5 gift certificate.

– article submitted by Johnny Taylor