Green Creek School reunion June 12

Published 11:45 am Monday, June 6, 2011

Coach Hoyt McEntire, right, poses with the Green Creek High School girls basketball team inside the now historic Green Creek Gym in 1951. The players are, left to right, Janice Wall, Mary Jo Turner, Billie Dove Whiteside, Mary Joyce Hines, Joan Shytle, Margaret Roddy, Janice Horne, Ruby Blckwell, an unknown team member, Tonyta Davidson, Elizabeth Medford and Coach McEntire. Managers kneeling in front were Peggy Brown and Patricia Arledge. (photo submitted)

Organizers invite everyone to attend the 15th annual Green Creek School Reunion on Sunday, June 12, from 2 – 5 p.m. The former Green Creek School has a rich history, having operated continuously for 78 years, during which thousands of students passed through its doors. For the past 14 years, on the second Sunday in June, hundreds of those students have returned to their alma mater to renew old friendships and to relive the days of their youth.

For generations, the school was the center of activity for residents of the area. Some of these activities – cultural, social, recreational and education – are still being offered there because of the many people who have worked diligently to establish the Green Creek Community Center on the site.

All former students, teachers, their families and friends are encouraged to bring their old pictures, annuals and memories to share. Refreshments will be served.

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– article submitted by Opal Suave

Cheerleaders at Green Creek High School practice their cheers on the front lawn of the school. They are, left to right, Maggie McEntire, Wilma Mahaffey, Betty Blackwell, Rowena Hall, Shirley Jo Turner and Elaine Arledge. This picture and many others will be on display at the Green Creek School reunion Sunday, June 12 from 2 – 5 p.m. (photo submitted)