Polk County Middle School students participate in TIP program

Published 12:10 pm Thursday, May 19, 2011

Duke TIP participants: (front row) Nicolas Barwell, Callie Keeter, Conner McCarthy, Madison Arrowood and Savannah Robbins. (Back row) Sam Murray, Will Sachse, Jacob Russel, Grace Marshall, Colleen Burke and Justine Jones (not pictured: Samantha Haase) (photo submitted)

Twelve seventh grade students from Polk County Middle School participated in the Duke University Talent Identification Program (TIP) this year. The seventh grade talent search identifies talented seventh graders based on standardized test scores achieved in sixth grade. These candidates are invited to complete the SAT Reasoning Test or the ACT Assessment college entrance exam.

Of those PCMS students who took the four hour SAT or ACT test, six students’ scores qualified them for State Recognition Ceremony. These six students scored at or above the 50th percentile compared to juniors and seniors in high school across the nation.

The Duke TIP was established in 1980 to cultivate and enrich the education of gifted and talented youth.

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– article submitted by Peggy Riddle, Polk County Middle School

Callie Keeter, Grace Marshall, Conner McCarthy, Colleen Burke, Madison Arrowood and Will Sachse were TIP participants who qualified for state recognition. (photo submitted)