‘All Star Walkers’ Tour visits PCHS Relay For Life

Published 11:39 am Monday, May 16, 2011

An afternoon PE class at Polk County High School joins Wayne Drumheller, team captain and organizer of the “All Star Walkers” Relay For Life Tour for WNC, at the PCHS track Friday, April 29. (photo submitted)

According to team captain and organizer Wayne Drumheller of Brevard, N.C., this is the first ever attempt to complete 25-38 endurance fitness walks in ten Friday nights during the Relay For Life season. If successful, ACS staff and volunteers will individually walk a total of 100 to 250 miles at relay events between April 15 and August 19, strive for better health and fitness and raise $25,000 online for local Relay For Life events in Western North Carolina.

“All Star ‘Relay For Life’ Walk-a-thon Tour” participants who register and complete the event within the timeline and make a commitment to a gold, silver or bronze recognition levels will receive an official “All Star ‘Relay For Life’ Walk-a-thon Tour” T-shirt, a certificate of participation, a finisher medal, personal webpage to track your success and an invitation to a victory celebration reception. Online registration can be completed at www.ncrelayforlife.org. Click on your county and join as an “All Star Walker” team or individual.

For more information regarding registration, walk-a-thon packet and locations contact Wayne Drumheller, team captain and organizer, at wayne.drumheller@cancer .org, 704-287-9806 or office: 828-254-6931.

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– article submitted by Wayne Drumheller