Saluda Community Land Trust begins spring projects

Published 11:31 am Monday, March 28, 2011

The Saluda Community Land Trust (SCLT) has geared up and is starting their spring projects.

First on the list was a day out cleaning up sections of Highway 176 that SCLT has volunteered for through the “Adopt a Highway” project.

Two trail walks are planned for April on the “Missing 40” and on a section of private property that takes you along a cove toward North Pacolet River.

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Kudzu control projects have been in the works this winter and more work is still needed. The group plans on getting back to work on “their site” located on the corner of Ozone and Thompson Road starting in April.

Kudzu Kollege is held the last Saturday of each month, sponsored by the Spartanburg Kudzu Coalition. For more information, check out

The Kudzu Killers in Columbus have taken on the project of eradication on the Polk County Library property.

Did you know?

Kudzu is native to China, but is now found throughout Asia and other parts of the world. Kudzu was first brought to the United States by Japan as part of an exhibition.

For more information about SCLT and their projects call 828-749-1560 and leave a message, someone will return your call promptly.