Loss of Upstairs Artspace would be detrimental to quality of life

Published 4:16 pm Friday, March 11, 2011

To the Editor:
The annual membership meeting of the Upstairs Artspace was held Monday, Feb. 28, 2011.
The attending members were informed that the gallery is in serious financial trouble and will be forced to close its doors in the next several months if there isn’t an immediate infusion of money. In my opinion it would be a tragedy for our community to loose one of its greatest assets.
The gallery’s leadership may come and go, but the mission remains the same: to exhibit art of our time. It is the artists and art that do not change.
The Upstairs Artspace is there to exhibit quality art and fine craft and to educate the community to the value of art in our lives.
The purpose of the exhibits is not always to be pretty or to sell but to evoke an emotion.
You can love it, think it is awful or not understand it, but its purpose is to make you think and broaden your horizons. Children view art without any preconceived ideas or intimidations and we as adults should take a lesson from that.
The Upstairs Artspace has been in Tryon for 34 years. It is there for everyone and it costs nothing to come through the door.
Please help to keep this treasure alive.
–– Wyndy Morehead

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