Springing into active season

Published 10:40 am Monday, March 7, 2011

Every morning I get up and turn on the local news.

Lately I have been greeted with the sad news of gas prices going up yet again. Don’t I know it’s true.

I filled up my little car this week and it cost me over $50.

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Fifty bucks! The guy next to me, filling up his sedan, shook his head with a downturned smile and commented that gas was turning into liquid gold.

Usually there isn’t much talking at the gas station but misery makes fast friends.

You could see the misery on our faces as we watched the dollars quickly add up while the fuel gage ever so slowly chugged along.

The dollars out beat the fuel gage by a long shot. Seems like it took forever to get to 15 gallons. I don’t even want to think about what it cost him to fill up.

The weather this winter had me thinking of actually breaking down and getting a bigger car. But recent gas prices have effectively nixed that idea. My husband may have to trade in his truck for the motorcycle.

So, what else is a person to do?

I suggest you shop local and buy local. Not only will you save on gas, you will be supporting your local community and its businesses. We have more to see and do here than most places, just check out our calendar of events.

We have restaurants, art galleries, shows and entertainment all right here at home. Save some money by shopping where your home is.

Shop local, play local and stay local, it’s good for your wallet and your community.

Betty Ramsey is the publisher of the Tryon Daily Bulletin. Her email address is betty.ramsey@tryondailybulletin.com.