Accidents do happen

Published 10:47 am Monday, March 7, 2011

Freckles was found strolling along the roadside and it seemed she was looking for something.

Freckles (photo submitted)

In such cases this is a common event and I’ll let my readers use their own assumptions to how this came to be.

For fear she’d be struck by a vehicle some good people picked her up and put her in their truck to take to the Humane Society. She came willingly but unfortunately she jumped out of the truck. We at F.H.S. didn’t learn this fact until a few days later when we called the folks who had picked her up. Freckles was favoring her right rear leg and showing signs of discomfort.

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I was at work the Saturday we got the news and by now I’d already met Freckles and to put it mildly, I was smitten.

Freckles is an 11-month-old Lab-Pointer mix, all white with golden spots. She is a lovely animal both in looks and demeanor and quickly became a favorite of the whole staff. Lani rushed her over to Bonnie Brae’s veterinary clinic and I was to check on her after my shift.

When I arrived at Bonnie Brae’s I spoke with Dr. Fitch and was told she had a small fracture in her hip that would be okay without surgery. Ian went on “she’ll possibly develop arthritis later in life but for now, keep her on medication and do not put any undo pressure on her right rear leg.” She was good to go back to the shelter but I asked Ian, “how about we keep her here over the weekend and I’ll pick her up first thing Monday morning?” I figured a weekend of quiet rest would be helpful in her recovery. Ian agreed, he is a good man and a good friend.

I left smiling, “see you at church tomorrow.”

Ian smiled back, “I’ll be there.”

True to my promise, I arrived at Bonnie Brae first thing on Monday morning. It was an unusually still and warm February day. Before placing her in my car, I took Freckles for a little walk to see how she was faring. Through her whole ordeal, Freckles never once displayed anger, fear, resentment or confusion. All she ever displayed was sweetness, love and trust. I wrapped my arms around her and prayed, “Lord I wish that my heart could be as loving and forgiving as this sweet girl You have sent to us. Please help us find a home that will return to her exactly what she has to offer.”

I checked on Freckles every day and the staff knew by my reactions she would be this week’s “Special Case.”

On Friday Freckles wasn’t there, so I checked the board and learned that on Thursday evening she was sent off to a “foster to adopt.” I checked the files around, wrote down the people’s name and phone number. That evening I called, explained who I was and asked to speak to Margaret.

“How’s Freckles doing?” I asked. “Oh she’s wonderful,” Margaret replied, “We’re giving her the medication and we all love her dearly.”

“God bless you,” I replied, “I pray that you’ll have many years of joy and love with Freckles.”

I hung up the phone and looked to the heavens and then spoke to my best friend in all the world.

I simply told Him the same thing I say to you all each week, “Thanks for listening.”