TDDA planning session Feb. 19

Published 11:11 am Thursday, February 10, 2011

TDDA is sponsoring a planning session about downtown Tryon. A workshop will be held Saturday, Feb. 19. The work to be done during this workshop is a continuation of the work begun by the group’s involvement in The Main Street Program for the past three to four years. Four presenters will present updates and generate discussion on:

• Building a strong TDDA organization;

• Design projects for downtown;

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• Economic development for downtown;

• Promoting Tryon and special events.

The main goal of this TDDA session is to develop a task list of things which will be accomplished in the near future. Assignments will be made to participants and due dates will be established.

The session will be held in the Parish Hall at Holy Cross Episcopal Church from 8:30 a.m. – 2:30 p.m. A registration fee includes continental breakfast, light lunch and materials. The public is encouraged to register and attend.

For further information, contact Wanda K. May at or call 828-817-5059.

Mail registration and check to Wanda May at P.O. Box 303, Tryon, N.C. 28782 no later than Thursday, Feb. 17.

Tryon Downtown Development Association is sponsoring a planning session on Saturday, Feb. 19, to continue the work begun as part of being in the Main Street Program.

This Saturday planning session is open to everyone. The cost covers materials and light lunch.

Register by sending your registration and a check to Wanda May at P.O. Box 303, Tryon, N.C.