Our trash, your treasure

Published 11:09 am Friday, February 4, 2011

It felt like spring last weekend, the temperatures were in the 70’s! A sunshine on my shoulders kind of day. After the recent snow and ice, it was more than welcome.

At the Tryon Daily Bulletin we recently completed an early spring cleaning and we have some supplies we no longer need.

Our trash may be your treasure. We have an old wax machine that is still in good working order along with a large supply of wax. In case you are wondering just what a wax machine is; we used it to “paste up” the paper.

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First you would print your copy or advertisement on a sheet of paper; next you would cut out your ad or copy with scissors or on a cutting board.

Then you would run the paper cutouts through the wax machine, which looked something like an old-fashioned washing machine wringer. The cutouts would come out of the rollers covered with hot wax enabling them to be pasted to a layout sheet.

It was a pretty slick process, but one we don’t use any more. Perhaps an art teacher could use the wax machine (it gets very hot so it would have to be supervised).

There are panes and panes of glass that might be of use in art projects and we also have end rolls of newsprint that we would be happy to donate.

If you are a teacher or non-profit group and could use these supplies, please call us at 828-859-9151 x106 or e-mail me at betty.ramsey@tryondailybulletin.com.

Betty Ramsey is the publisher of the Tryon Daily Bulletin. Her email address is betty.ramsey@tryondailybulletin.com.