Receiving the greatest gift

Published 4:37 pm Monday, January 3, 2011

A few years ago I told the tale of Allie, the Boxer I adopted from F.H.S. &bsp;

Allie had been used as a teaser for fighting dogs and has the scars to prove it. At first she was a challenge, wary of anything that moved and my three cats were my biggest concern.

At that time I still had Monty, my doggie angel, who along with Tony, my audacious tomcat, were the great teachers for her. Allie soon learned and has since become a sweet and loving addition to my furry family. Allie is now the heart and soul of my personal kids, as was Monty before her. I love all of them equally, but Ill admit that I love Allie just a little more equally.

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At her first annual check up, I told Dr. Maria she was between 4 and 5 years old.&bsp; Maria disagreed explaining she was more likely between 6 and 7. I jokingly scolded Maria and said, You just stole two years from me.

By this time I had lost Monty and had taken on Bruno as her companion.

Allie is now approximately 8 years old, has arthritis and lately has developed incontinence. The medicines she is on help greatly with both these problems and she is still an active and loving girl.

A few weeks ago while playing with Bruno and Pablo she fell down in our driveway and was having trouble getting up. We assumed it was her arthritis and gave her an anti-inflammatory pill and she was fine the rest of the day.

The next morning the boys darted by her chasing some imaginary ghost they thought was invading my property. Allie rose from the couch to join them and began wobbling and drooling from her mouth.

I thought she was having a seizure and as I held her in my arms, I whispered, Poor baby, itll be alright, while inside my heart was breaking. I then scooped her up in my arms and placed her in my car.

The trip to Landrum vet was a blur as I tearfully whispered assurances to her. I brought her into Dr. Raines and explained what was going on.

Please Donna, run whatever tests needed and let me know whats going on.

I then leaned over and kissed Allie, said a silent prayer and left. When I returned Donnas face looked grim and my heart sank.

Its not good, Lennie she said as she walked me toward her x-ray. Shes severely anemic and her red blood cell count is way low.

At the x-ray, Donna pointed out that Allies spleen was overly enlarged and there was a tumor.&bsp; As things are right now, she wont last much longer, Donna went on.

What can we do? I asked. &bsp;

All her other organs seem fine but well have to take her spleen, the problem is she couldnt survive the procedure without a transfusion.

Would that prolong her life with a reasonable amount of quality? I asked.

Barring unforeseen problems, Donna answered, most definitely.

Okay lets do it, my hopes rising a little. Ill go get Bruno, hell be happy to give blood for his sister.

One more thing, Donna said pointing to the x-ray. That white dot below her spine is a BB that shes been hit with. &bsp;

The news struck my heart like a lead weight as two large tears fell unobstructed from my eyes. With all that this poor girl has been through, she also had to endure this aimless abuse.

Poor Donna was fighting hard to control herself as I hugged her and asked her to do her best. &bsp;

Two days later I went to visit Allie, who came through her operation beautifully. By the way, Bruno did his job great and was the hit of the vets office. What a ham!

Donna approached me with that wonderful smile she possesses.

Shes a trooper Lennie, things are looking very good.&bsp; I wrapped my arms around her and gave her the biggest hug I could. Thank you Donna, you just gave me back my two years.&bsp; This made the poor Doc cry, I didnt mean to do that, I was just so happy.

Allie is coming along beautifully, getting that Boxer spring and wiggle back in her step.&bsp; Were watching her closely but our hopes are high.

Merry Christmas everyone, Id like to share with you my Christmas prayer:

Heavenly Father, I know that Your Beloved Son was our greatest gift and You know through my prayers how grateful I am. This Christmas Youve again heard my prayers and granted me more time with my precious Allie. I promise I will cherish each and every day You allow me to have with her.

Thanks for listening.