Skills of rescue workers … really?
Published 3:18 pm Wednesday, December 29, 2010
To the Editor:
After reading about the upset of the “annual” testing done on our counties First Responders/Volunteers in the Tryon Daily Bulletin, two thoughts came to mind.
One, I believe it is great to give our brains a challenge to expand our knowledge and skills, especially in the medical field where we touch so many lives. The healthcare field is forever changing and upgrades are necessary to maintain a higher standard of care. As a healthcare provider, I know it is extremely vital to stay abreast of new developments as well as keeping refreshed on the skills we have learned from the beginning.
It is also important to have leaders that direct the health army, if you will, to overcome the battles by providing the proper information, ammunition, and support needed to get the job done. This brings me to my second thought.
The “altered” test may have been a wake up call, but I hope the publicized failed results does not come at the expense of the reputation of others. The failures or success for that matter, does not rest entirely on the shoulders of the ones who took the test. Obviously, continuous exercising of teamwork and leadership in unison will gain the overall positive results. There is a lot of information to retain, requiring all of us to pull it together, including the public.
To our First Responders/Volunteers, do not be discouraged, never give up, continue upgrading your education and skills as required and keep showing up, we appreciate you!
— Debbie Hedgepath