Open house to open hearts

Published 3:40 pm Friday, November 5, 2010

Tomorrow we will once again be hosting our Open House at the Foothills Humane Society. I dont believe enough people realize how much hard work and dedication it takes by so many people to achieve a successful outcome for the many animals we receive.

We will be celebrating our 20th year as the Foothills Humane Society and are the only animal shelter in Polk County. &bsp;

We have come a long way since our humble beginnings as the Polk County Animal Protection Society way back in 1957. I personally have witnessed tremendous strides forward in the past few years.&bsp; I have recently read the original charter and all the pitfalls that needed to be overcome to reach the point we are at now.

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Our board, staff, volunteers and fosters, along with many others who assist on the peripheral, seem to be operating like a well oiled machine, but make no mistake, we are standing on the shoulders of giants.&bsp; In the future, I or someone else will be telling the story of our beginnings and the many who were involved in much more depth.&bsp; For now, I just want to say how proud I am, that in some small way, I can contribute to this wonderful organization.

Please come and help us celebrate and bring the children, because we do know how to party.

There will be plenty of food, pony rides, photos with Santa on his sleigh, games and a cake walk.&bsp; Besides that, we have all our beautiful dogs and cats for you to view.

Ive already talked to all my kids and theyve promised to be on their best behavior. &bsp;

You cannot help but have a good time when theres so much love in the air. Its hard to explain, but somehow the animals sense it and that thoroughly warms my heart.

While there, please check to see all the fabulous improvements that were done this year, but most of all, find the time to shake the hands of all the people who keep F.H.S. humming.

Times are tough for lots of people and often my beautiful kids are the first to feel the pinch. Ive often told folks that when it comes to what we do, love is the easy part, but on this day, come and open your hearts for love is all that is asked.

Thanks for listening.