Don Principe invited to USEF National Intermediaire I Championship

Published 3:07 pm Monday, August 2, 2010

Marydell Farm announces that Don Principe (Donnerhall/Prince Thatch XX) was invited to participate in the 2010 Collecting Gaits Farm/USEF National Intermediaire I Championship. This prestigious competition will be held at the USET Headquarters in Gladstone, New Jersey on August 6 through August 8.

Don Principe will be ridden by Jennifer Marchand, Courtney King Dyes assistant, who took over the ride after Courtney suffered a fall from another horse resulting in a coma early in March.

With only two weeks to get to know the horse, Marchand turned in a stellar performance at Dressage at Equestrian Estates in Loxahatchee, Fla. In the quest for qualifying scores, the pair traveled to Lamplight outside of Chicago, Ill., where Marchand contested her first CDI in front of five international judges. Lendon Gray flew out to help Marchand and coached her throughout the weekend.

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Throughout the competition, Marchand had other concerns in her mind as well – the tow vehicle that brought them to Chicago had technical problems and was not available in time to travel to the next CDI in Kentucky. Thanks to Grand Prix competitor Joe Sandeven, Marchand and Prince hitched a ride to the next competition.

In Kentucky, Prince and Marchand stayed with Shirley McQuillen, owner and breeder of Rhett, Jim Koffords mount that won the Ann Barlow award in 2009. McQuillen is a equine chiropractor and worked on Prince during his stay on her farm. Once the Suburban was fixed, Koryn Staley, one of the working students, drove it to Kentucky and off to the horse park the crew went. Once there, Marchand was coached by Reese Koffler Stanfield.

This has been a difficult journey for all involved with Courtney and Don Principe. Renee Isler of Isler Dressage helped out with show and clinic finances. Sylvia and Carmen of Choice of Champions and Mary Tail Rx also helped with the show.