Rescue work continues on courthouse sidewalk

Published 8:03 pm Wednesday, July 28, 2010

About 35 volunteers worked to replace the uneven sidewalk surrounding the Polk County Courthouse last week. Columbus council member Ernie Kan took on the project recently as a volunteer effort with no funding. Last week, Polk County Sheriff’s Office Administrative Assistant Kim Pack called on police, fire and rescue personnel around the county to help with the efforts. Sheriff Donald Hill paid for a cookout for volunteers out of the special jail fund. Several volunteers from the sheriff’s office, the Tryon and Columbus Police Departments participated, along with Casey Jolley with the Green Creek Fire Department, Columbus Police Chief Butch Kennedy, Columbus Mayor Eric McIntyre, Kan and a few volunteers from the community at large. Volunteers are still being sought for the project. Contact Kan with Columbus if you are interested in helping. (photo by Leah Justice)

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